RVTA Youth Team Tennis is Sponsoring
Details about this program:
- Open to youth ages 10 to 18. Please note this is not a program for true beginners. Participants must be able to rally, serve, keep the score and know the basic rules of tennis.
- Teams will be coed
- Matches will consist of one 8 game pro-set set using no ad scoring for: boys/girls singles, boys/girls doubles, and mixed doubles. This will allow for each player to serve twice and hopefully for all courts to finish at approximately the same time. I'll send more detailed rules and procedures as we get closer to match time.
- Each match requires only 3 tennis courts and will likely be completed in approximately 2.5 hours
- Matches will take place at various locations in the Roanoke/New River Valley (depending on who sponsors teams)
- Matches will be played outside on Tuesday evenings (6p start) from June 25 - July 30 (6 weeks).
- Adult coaches/captains are needed; not a lot of experience is required; just willingness to help and coordinate members of your team (can be parents). If you are interested in helping with this program, please email Rosemary Rincon at r[email protected] and include your phone number
- Cost is $30 plus a small registration fee
- Once we know how many teams we have, I'll put together the schedule. The plan is for matches to begin on Tuesday June 25 and end on Tuesday July 30. This is a rather short season so hopefully the weather will cooperate.
- For now, if you can share the following link to registration with your players from last year (and potential new players), I would appreciate it. Remember, if you've used Active before to register for this or other programs, you already have a log in. Otherwise, you'll create a new account.
This RVTA-sponsored program is design to teach kids how to play the game of tennis while having fun! Series are routinely scheduled monthly on a Thursday or Friday evening at local country clubs and public courts. Registration is required and space is limited. Registration closes on Tuesday evenings at midnight prior to each event!
2023 RVTA Net Generation Youth Tennis Bash Details: - TBD
2023 RVTA Net Generation Youth Tennis Bash Details: - TBD
Age Divisions are:
TennisBASH includes the following activities:
Announcing the 2024 RVTA Scholarship Recipients!
The Betty Bar Memorial Girls Tennis Scholarships and the Fred Rawlings Memorial Boys Tennis Scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors who will be entering college in 2024. The four recipients each received a scholarship in recognition of their tennis participation, community service, character, leadership, and academics.
Congratulations to our Betty Barr Memorial Girls Scholarship Winners: Taylor Prillaman ($1000) and Mckenna Jacobsen ($500). Taylor Prillaman graduated from Patrick Henry High School and will be attending the University of Virginia this fall. Mckenna Jacobsen graduated from William Byrd High School and will also be attending the University of Virginia.
Congratulations to our Fred Rawlings Memorial Boys Scholarship Winners: Kyle Klemba ($1000) and Attilio Ciccozzi ($500). Kyle Klemba graduated from Blacksburg High School and will be attending the University of Richmond in the fall. Attilio Ciccozzi graduated from North Cross School and will be attending Dartmouth.
Best of luck to our outstanding RVTA scholarship recipients and to all of our newly graduated high school seniors!
For more information, view our resources page.